Friday, March 6, 2009

Here are some drawings from my sketchbook. I based them off of old porn photographs from the late 70s. I'm interested moving in a new direction and making art that centers around sexuality, specifically female sexuality. This is a topic that I'm really interested in but also that makes me nervous about when it comes to art.

Here's my final painting last semester, again with cloth and acrylic.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

These are some of my life drawing pieces (unfortunately I worked light in some and the lines don't come out that well):

My First Post...Ever

I've never had a blog before so this is a new experience. I never liked the idea of posting personal/emotional information so others could see it but I decided bloging about art and my art specifically would be beneficial.

Here are some of my paintings from last semester.

This is entitled, "Ljuba" made with acrylic and cloth on masonite.

These are four of the six paintings from my ballet series.

All of these paintings are extremely small, just 9x12 inches.